A. To use Fly by Wi-Fi iPad app, you need to install Fly by Wi-Fi Server in your PC.

Downloads Page : Server


B. Fly by Wi-Fi Server works with FSUIPC to communicate with Flight Simulator.

You can enjoy Fly by Wi-Fi with FSUIPC Free Version without any problems.

Downloads Page : FSUIPC


C. For your convenience, here is some description how Fly by Wi-Fi connects to Flight Simulator.

 Fly by Wi-Fi client(iPad) <-> Fly by Wi-Fi Server(WinPC) <-> FSUIPC <-> Flight Simulator


D. Installation Checklist

1. Check iPad and Flight Simulator Installed PC exist in the same network.

2. Download & Install Fly by Wi-Fi Server Ver. 1.2

Dropbox Shared Link

2-1. Launch Fly by Wi-Fi Server.

3. Download & Install FSUIPC


4. Launch Flight Simulator

4-1. In the first launch after installed FSUIPC, Flight Simulator will be ask you to activate FSUIPC or not.

4-2. After meet Flight Simulator main page, check Fly by Wi-Fi Server. – it should be connected to Flight Simulator.

5. Check your IP address in Fly by Wi-Fi Server, and set it in Fly by Wi-Fi Client Settings.


That’s all.

I hope this description will help for you.